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Everything posted by JT

  1. We can help you, for sure. I guess you already communicate with us over email, so lets follow up via email.
  2. I hope I never said it will be in October It is in pipe, after CNY holiday will come it´s time. We will keep you updated.
  3. k tej montazi to je tak, ze co niekomu vyhovuje, inemu pride ako problem, a naopak. poznam zakaznikov ktori zasadne nepouzivaju oem skrutky dodane vyrobcom, nakupuju skrutky osobitne u svojho dodavatela. Proste sto ludi = stojeden nazorov. Nami dodavane skrutky su standardne metricke, takze vyriesit specificke pripady sposobom, ktory nie je v sulade s nasim nazorom na vec je technicky mozne. Kazdopadne, my instalaciu na nizke priemery trubiek neodporucame, a sucasne chceme zamedzit moznemu poskodeniu anten pri nevhodnej kombinacii priemeru trubky a dlzky skrutky, preto sme obmedzili dlzku zavitu. Len pre vysvetlenie k predchadzajucej diskusii, na obrazku je ukazany sposob, akym to treba uchytavat na nizke priemery. Pozn.: trubka na fotke by bola zrejme ok aj na montaz s normalne otocenym "zralokom", ale je najuzsia aku mame k dispozicii.
  4. 0 (zero) is bore sight axis. elevation beam width at -6dB is 30 degrees and that is correct - added green lines and approximate -6dB mark on dB axis for easier understanding. It is the angle between the two green straight lines going out of center of the graph (= 30°) elevation beam width at -15dB is 60 degrees and that is also correct - It is the angle between the two blue lines. if you look at it from zero / bore sight, it is +30° to -30° in elevation (so the beam width is 60 degrees
  5. John – be aware, there is a lot of BS told on Fb, forums and everywhere else by some manufacturers and "power users" and it is heavily misleading the customers. You can read the information you are asking us either from published graphs or from radiation properties files. But there are some "IF"s A - Graphs Graphs are good and easy source if i) graphs are true interpretation of the product ii) they are published in usable format (vector) and iii) user is capable of correct interpretation of the graphs. One must understand, graphs are two dimensional representation of three dimensional radiation pattern. You only can tell so little about the antenna radiation properties by using the graphs.. That is obvious limitation of the format. Patch array antennas have tons of side lobes, but when speaking about radiation properties of patch array antennas, they miraculously "disappear". Everybody – antenna manufacturers in first case - pretend that side lobes are not there (or that they are, if it helps the case, such as null fill). But with this antenna type, side lobes are present all the time. So when you are concerned about where is the patch array antenna radiating @-15 db from max (or bore sight) gain, you have to count with side lobes. I bet that 999 out of 1000 users only consider main radiation lobe, which is of course pretty narrow in elevation beam width. Add the side lobes and everything looks way different. Example here is the comparison of the elevation patterns of two antennas, KP performance sector for Mimosa and RF elements 30° Symmetrical Horn (both original pdf data sheet attached). The situation with Symmetrical horn is quite easy to read: at 30° up or 30° down, you are about -15 dB down from bore sight (max) gain. Any degree further, and gain goes steep down hill. The same works for azimuth pattern, as the antenna has circular beam shape (hence the name "Symmetrical") Now take a look on patch array - one can be easily fooled by an argument that "patch array is only about 7° beam width in elevation", so applying some logical deduction, 30° off bore sight (or 26.5° off that beam width) in elevation pane, either UP or DOWN, one must be god damn safe and the gain must be decreased by a huge portion. Is it? NOT AT ALL. 30° UP OR DOWN from the bore sight on elevation, you still have antenna radiating equal to or stronger than -15 dB from max gain. The reason: side lobes. Graphs are also easy to cheat with using certain exponential scale that can effectively “mask” the side lobes, etc. Therefor data files may appear as more reliable source - “numbers do not lie” - but again, there are some “IF”s. B – Antenna files Now, if you want to use the data that describe the radiation properties: Manufacturers often publish data for certain frequency (often middle of the working band) and let´s say one cut through the 3-D picture. Say this is not the issue if antenna have radiation properties that do not vary with frequency within the working band and are somehow predictable from such a limited information - which exactly is the case of Symmetrical Horns. But it is not the case of the majority of patch array antennas! Just take a look on printed 3-D radiation pattern of typical patch array sector antenna (and that is a not a bad one). They are more complex in real than they appear in graphs or when considering most of antenna files. What manufacturers and users often ignore on patch arrays and also on other relevant antenna types - if for a reason or not – are again the side lobes. On Symmetrical Horns, side lobes are zero issue, but on other antenna types they are completely opposite. Some manufacturers include the data that describe the main radiation lobe AND also side lobes into antenna radiation files, but some do not! When using antenna files, You should check how exact and true representation of the real radiation pattern those files are. If they are not exact, not complete or manipulated (too good to be true), you are creating model that is not in line with reality, and – what is more important – you are going to make wrong decisions. As a result in this particular comparison, and just to complete the example case, patch array does not provide you more narrow vertical beam radiation with respect to your goal, despite its main lobe is pretty narrow. 30°Symmetrical horn provides slightly better results for -15 dB beam width, but it also provides way better coverage pattern within given beam width (graphs speak themselves). You can tilt Horn +/- 25°, while I assume KP and other patch array antennas can do maybe half of 25° and only down-tilt. So you even are not able to mitigate effect of those side lobes by tilting the antenna – not only the tilt will not be sufficient, but the resulting coverage pattern will be quite a mess. The judgement on which antenna is better depends on what job needs to be done, therefor I will not make statements which of the two is better, and it was not the point of this post. (Just in case - ours are the best ). Maybe you are familiar with all things written above and that is good - thanks for reading it till the end. If it was new info for you, I hope it helps. Datasheet-Symmetrical-Horn-SH-TP-5-30-2.pdf kppa-5ghzhv4p65s-17_v3_longer_datasheet.pdf
  6. za malo nepovolenym pasmam sa vyhybajte (obchadza sa to o.i. aj starsimi verziami fw), lebo dodrziavanie vseobecneho povolenia zvyknu kontrolovat a dodrziavanie pravidiel prave tu nejaky zmysel ma. Nase anteny funguju v neobvykle sirokom pasme, ale treba brat do uvahy, ze my ich predavame aj v krajinach kde je to dolne pasmo povolene (napr. USA), alebo v krajinach kde je mozne pouzivat aj pasma nad 5.8GHz (napr. Rusko).
  7. treba nastavit typ anteny ktora ma nominalny gain co najblizsi k tej, ktoru aktualne pouzivate. fw radia podla toho automaticky nastavuje vystupny vykon aby ste boli v EIRP limite 5180MHz je u nas schvalene iba pre indoor pouzitie. predpokladam ze fw radia ma toto osetrene v nastaveniach. problem samotnej anteny to urcite nie je.
  8. we will release pricing info for novelties in couple of days and than they will be able to do so
  9. First units are leaving production these days. We will post availability information soon.
  10. 24dBi this time. 21dBi will follow after chinese new year
  11. This category of antennas is not in our business scope, unless we can use synergies from our current business, which is not the case here. Just FYI - If you are thinking about 700-2100MHz directional antenna with significant gain and 2x2 H+V/dual slant, something comparable to what we have in 5GHz, it would be quite bulky (=not cheap) and most certainly not a panel antenna. Plus I can imagine, that LTE network operators will not be super happy to see high density of these fixed wireless clients around their access points.
  12. M5 sa vie dozit vysokeho veku, niekedy sa roky stravene v outdoore podpisu na plastoch (RockShield vie predlzit zivotnost vyrazne). Kazdopadne aj toto je moznost - treba byt vynaliezavy a v tomto Stredna Europa nikdy nesklame Petre - vdaka za share a nech sluzi
  13. Kev - what frequencies are we talking about?
  14. Unless Distributors will use air cargo, which I do not expect due to product size/shipping cost, you will not be able to use it in December.
  15. Yes, they were shipped accordingly. Whatever the purpose of your visits on our forum is, please make sure to not offend Denmark.
  16. We plan to ship first units to our Distributors in December.
  17. Based on how it looks on the pictures it should, but we can 100% confirm only after we can verify on commercially available units.
  18. (primary) Fresnel zone radius is a function of link distance and frequency. It means that changing the antenna on the same link makes no influence. You should keep the Fresnel zone clear of obstructions link Q: why you can not see 5m / 15f fresnel zone on the graph where x axis is 1700m and axis is 1000m ..? A: graph scale
  19. Glad to help. + Feel free to post pictures of your installation once done, I am sure other users will appreciate it.
  20. we use cable gland MG20. You can replace it with higher grade product for your application, or with waterproof connector plugs etc. there must be plenty of options to plug the N connector holes, you need to search for IP67 waterproof N hole plug. Random example from google: http://www.neobits.com/isp_supplies_en_hp_starnet_en_hp_p10186318.html
  21. Yes, TP-A for ISO/PrismStation will be available this year. Since we were delayed by our supply chain, we used the time to apply all improvements and optimizations. So the 24dBi ULH is now significantly smaller in volume than the version we introduced last year.
  22. TP-A for ePMP2000 will start shipping this month to Distributors.
  23. 1) we will have carrier class model (with N connector). Time wise - right after TwistPort version available (TP is higher priority). There will be TP adaptor for AF5X radio coming out at about the same time. 2) we will update the data on our website and post the link here next week.