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Everything posted by JT

  1. asiri - on TP-A, your limit is 6.4GHz. On UltraDish, I see that the freq range is missing in datasheet - we will correct this asap. Dish is OK up to 6 GHz, but we do not recommend to go beyond that limit.
  2. that is quite early one from 2015 I guess, I wonder that you can get it, we no longer produce them. Current version is "V2" which works in lower band as well. https://www.rfelements.com/assets/Uploads/Datasheet-TwistPort-Adaptor-V2-for-ePMP-1000-AP-or-CSM.pdf
  3. Correct. What TP-A is of your interest?
  4. yeah, I know this thread.. well, what I can say is MikroTik is trying to complete their old homework in wireless, fixing the lack of performance, radio issues and deliver improvements that are demanded by MikroTik user base, which is generally positive thing and thumbs up to MikroTik team. Considering how heterogenic is the antenna tech included in tik´s own products and what 3rd party antenna products are used by the most of the mikrotik market (clearly focused on low cost segment), you are probably right with your assumption. All I can say is that with our horns you are using the best sector antenna system on the market that provides excellent SNR to any connected radio - before or after NV2 upgrade. Of course, if there are forum members who already used the setup, please feel free to share the feedback.
  5. Dritan - is MikroTik recommending users to do changes in antenna setup?
  6. SBX XL can host fully lodaed RB433, so this one should fit as well
  7. On the first graph, you are 180 deg off. You should start at 0, not at -180. On the second graph, you are 90 deg off. Whole graph 2 should be shifted 90 deg to the right. As you can se on the link I posted above in thread, the graph1 starts @ 0deg and graph 2 @ 90deg http://radiomobile.pe1mew.nl/?The_program:File_formats:Antenna_.ant_format_(V3)
  8. Bude. Uvedenie 21dBi modelu sme odlozili cielene, chceli sme najskor ziskat feedbacky k 24dBi modelu. Z webu sme ho stiahli aby nevyvolaval otazky o dostupnosti a znova sa tam objavi ked bude dostupny.
  9. The best approach is to ask with your local supplier what paints they have available according your requirements. As regards antenna materials, the dish is made of aluminium and powder coated. The plastic parts are ABS. Just make sure that the paint contains no metal particles.
  10. We are in the process to make spare parts available on stock at our distributors. By the time they are ready, we can handle this directly. Please shoot me PM with your shipping info and we will follow up from there. Thanks, JT
  11. If you only need antenna surface area, that is quite easy to calculate... A=πr2 Check below:
  12. you can find wind load in Newtons for each Symmetrical Horn in datasheet. Example: https://www.rfelements.com/assets/Uploads/Datasheet-Symmetrical-Horn-SH-TP-5-30.pdf if you need something different, just let us know or shoot me an PM
  13. Najprv k HW rozdielom, pokial ide o prechod do vlnovodu, kedze predpokladam ze to je centrom vasho zaujmu. V prípade Rocket 5ac Prism + zodpovedajuci twistport adapter sa jedna o setup, kedy Rocket Prism je radio na jedinom pcb, na ktorom su umiestnene aj SMA-RP konektory. Tie sa vlozenim radia do nasho twistport adapteru spoja s pigtailom, ktory ma na jednom konci specialny SMA-RP konektor nevyzadujuci skrutkovanie a na druhom je ukonceny priamo vo vlnovode budiacim elementom (alternativne nazyvane aj ziaric, budiaci prvok apod) vo forme pinu alebo vodivej vrstvy na pcb, podla konkretneho modelu twistport adapteru. Jedna sa tu teda o konverziu z koaxialneho konektora do vlnovodu ukonceneho TwistPortom s co najmensim moznym poctom spojov, v ramci danych moznosti a obmedzeni. UBNT Rocket 5ac Prism (zdroj FCC) TPA pre radio s SMA-RP konektormi: UBNT PrismStation - nizsie uvedene plati pokial medzitym vyrobca nezmenil dizajn - pouziva dve dosky pcb navzajom prepojene pigtailami (co nie je z hladiska temy podstatne), pricom dosku pcb na ktorej je radiova cast spajaju s vlnovodovym ziaricom pigtaily s MMCX konektormi na oboch stranach. Samotny budiaci element je takisto ukonceny MMCX konektorom. Je to akoby vlnovodovy adapter a radio schovane v jednom housingu. Nizsie najdete obrazky kusu ktory mame k dispozicii. Nas adapter pre Iso/Prismstation je potom mechanicka redukcia medzi dvoma vlnovodovymi konektormi. UBNT PrismStation (detail - kus ktory mame k dispozicii) TPA pre UBNT Iso a PrismStation: Z hladiska poctu konektorovych spojov a typu pouzitych konektorov a komponentov ma riesenie TPA + Rocket Prism menej koaxialnych spojov (presne povedane dva konektory tvoriace jeden spoj) v ceste signalu a pokial ide o nas adapter, pouzivame vysoko kvalitny pigtail aby jeho straty boli skutocne minimalne. V pripade kombinacie PrismStation a TPA, v samotnom zariadeni UBNT Prismstation su pouzite 4 konektory tvoriace dva spoje. Pokial ide o TwistPort adapter, ten je v tomto pripade mozne povazovat za "virtualne bezstratovy", tj so stratou tak nizkou ze je zanedbatelna. Len dodam, ze samotne zariadenia UBNT nechcem nijako hodnotit, iba opisujem to co je mozne vidiet, a to detaily podla mojho nazoru podstatne vzhladom na vasu otazku. Prakticke skusenosti: na kombinaciu R5AC Prism + TPA + RF elements Horn najdete naozaj stovky pozitivnych ohlasov z celeho sveta - socialne media, diskusne fora. Na zaklade tychto ohlasov vam tento setup rozhodne mozem odporucit. Pokial ide o PrismStation, verejne dostupnych informacii o praktickych skusenostiach uzivatelov je zatial velmi malo. Tu by som vas mozno povzbudil, aby ste to priamo porovnali a dali vas feedback online, mozno to rozprudi zaujimavu diskusiu, ktora inym zakaznikom pomoze pri rozhodovani v podobnej situacii v akej ste dnes sam vy. Ak mate k dispozicii obe radia, s twistportom je to jednoduche prehodit a presvedcit sa sam, ktore radio vam bude viac vyhovovat.
  14. None in close future, but in long term it is possible, we are looking into it, collecting customer feedback.
  15. Q2 we announce exact date when we have it
  16. Please check the update below on product availability: i) TP-A for R5AC Prism, as well as for MikroTik RouterBoard are currently out of stock on U.S. market due to growing demand and delayed re-stocking. Shipments are on the way to both of our Master Distributors and have ETA March 1st. If you are in urgent need and can not wait, shoot us private message @JORGE or @JT and we will try to help you. ii) UltraHorn 5-24 Carrier Class (with N connectors) - ETA mid May (Europe) to mid June (Americas, other regions). We will adjust the dates more exact as they got closer.
  17. "It is in pipe, after CNY holiday will come it´s time. We will keep you updated" It means that the production will start after CNY and that we will keep you updated about once we have more information. The information about the product is not on our website, because the product itself is not available.
  18. They have them on transfer, ETA late February. If you need them urgently pm me or tasos
  19. Motiv na zmenu nebol usetrit peniaze. Ale aby sme to neopakovali dokola, chapeme sa asi spravne, ze v pripade hornov nie ste spokojni s kombinaciou skrateneho zavitu a zraloka pri montazach na nizky priemer trubky. Pozrieme sa na to co sa s tym vieme urobit a dame update.
  20. yes, he was right, there is no 802.11 option for you once on Prism AP. what kind of CPE antennas you are asking? Most of the CPEs are integrated to keep the cost down. You can for sure use any of our TwistPort antenna with TP-A and UBNT IsoStation for CPE.
  21. Of course it is not true. Who is your distributor please?